Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Additional references students read for topic 1

A great variety of material! I haven't tried to clean up the formatting.

 "Carnegie Mellon Study Reveals Negative Potential of Heavy Internet Use on Emotional Well Being", 1998

"Negative Effects of Internet Usage." Yahoo! Contributor Network. Yahoo Voices, 25 July 2006. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .           

"News Bureau | University of Illinois." Online Interactions Have Positive Effects for  Real-life Communities. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. .

Alex Lickerman, “The Effect of Technology on Relationships.” Happiness in this World. Psychology Today. June 8, 2010.

Anderson, Craig Alan, Douglas A. Gentile, and Katherine E. Buckley. Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. Print.

Barcelona, Robert J., Brent A. Beggs, and Jason Bocarro. Dimensions of Leisure for Life: Individuals and Society. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2010. Print.

Bargh, John A., and Katelyn Y. A. McKenna. The Internet and Social Life. Publication. Yale University, 2004. Web. 7 Oct. 2012. .

Bessière K, Pressman S, Kiesler S, Kraut R., "Effects of internet use on health and depression: a longitudinal study.", PubMed, March 12th, 2010.

Bettencourt, Joyce. "Wonderland - Virtual Relationships." YouTube. BBC Program "Wonderland", 12 Feb. 2008. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

Birch, Kori. "Negative Effects of Internet Usage." Social Media in Higher Education. N.p., 28 Feb. 2011. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

Buffardi, L. E., and W. K. Campbell. "Narcissism and Social Networking Web Sites." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34.10 (2008): 1303-314. Print.

Cara Pring, 216 Social Media and Internet Statistics (September 2012), The Social Skinny, (Oct 7, 2012, 11:34 PM), Sep 15, 2012.

CBS News, "Study: People Who Are Constantly Online Can Develop Mental Disorders," July 17, 2012

 Chapters: Socializing in Cyberspace, Two Theories: Virtual Society or Virtual Desert, Comparing the Internet to Telephone and Television adoption, and The Progression of Internet Addiction, all from Understanding Audiences: Learning To Use the Media Constructively By Robert H. Wicks    A report on Carnegie Mellon research into Negative Potential of Heavy Internet Use on Emotional Well Being:  

Introduction of a paper on Law and Economics in Cyberspace by NIVA ELKIN-KOREN AND ELI M. SALZBERGER

Conley, Dalton. "Wired for Distraction: Kids and Social Media." Time. Time, 19 Mar. 2011. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. .

 Dixon, Kenneth M. "Researchers Link Use of Internet, Social Isolation." Researchers Link Use of Internet, Social Isolation. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. .

Gentile, Douglas A. "The Multiple Dimensions of Video Game Effects." CHILD DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVES 5.2 (2011): 75-81. Print.

Jiyan Wei, “Sociability and the Internet”. Found on The New Influencer,

John Sule, The Psychology of Cyberspace, Cyberspace as Dream World, (Oct 7, 2012, 11:50 PM), July 1996, revised April 1999  (v1.2).

Jurgenson, Nathan. "The IRL Fetish." The New Inquiry. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. .

Kraut RPatterson MLundmark VKiesler SMukopadhyay TScherlis W., "Internet paradox. A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?", September 1998.

Mathias Scriptor, “Cyber communication: Progress or problem?”, Oct. 8, 2009.

 Cohen, Patricia. "Internet Use Affects How We Remember." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 July 2011. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

National School Boards Association and Grunwald Associates, "Creating&Connecting". July, 2007.

Queensland University of Technology (2008, July 21). Second Life Improves Real-life Social Skills. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 8, 2012, from­/releases/2008/07/080717210838.htm

Rachel Emma Silverman, "Web Surfing Makes You Work Better, Study Says". Wall Street Journal Online. August 22nd, 2011.  

Sriram Chellappan and Raghavendra Kotikalapudi, "How Depressives Search the Web". New York Times Online. June 5th, 2012.

Sen, Arnab. "The Real and Virtual Worlds Are Melding Together." Mashable. N.p., 9 Jan. 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. .\

Shanyang Zhao, “Do Internet Users Have More Social Ties? A Call for...”, Sept. 6, 2006.

Shaw, Lindsay H., and Larry M. Gant. "In Defense of the Internet: The Relationship between Internet Communication and Depression, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived Social Support." CyberPsychology Behavior 5.2 (2002): 157-71. Print.

Taylor, Jim. "Technology: Virtual vs. Real Life: You Choose." Psychology Today (2011): Web. .

Thornton, Terri. "MediaShift." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. . Sam Laird, Is Social Media Destroying Real-World Relationships?, Mashable, June 14, 2012,

Uimonen, Paul, "The Internet as a Tool for Social Development," United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen. "ZDF Reportage - Amoklauf Von Winnenden Teil 1/3 (The Shooting Rampage of Winnenden)." YouTube. ZDF, German Public Television Documentary, 16 Mar. 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

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